The Southern Weed Science Society was established to bring together those persons from any state, area, institution or agency, who are directly interested in weed control within the Society area through research, education, regulation, manufacturing or merchandising.
The objectives of the Society are:
The Southern Weed Science Society holds its annual meeting every year in the last part of January. We encourage anyone interested in various weed science issues to attend. In the past, participants consisted of producers and university, industry, state and federal personnel. We encourage participants from any discipline to attend the meeting and become involved in the Society.
The meeting program consists primarily of poster and oral paper presentations. Some years symposiums or other special sessions are organized on topics like herbicide resistance or invasive weeds.
Students are highly encouraged to present their research at the annual meeting. Students who participate gain a better understanding of how a professional society works and gives future full members valuable experience presenting scientific data.
Beautiful site locations attract hundreds of people to the meeting each year. Bring your spouse along to participate in an excellent meeting and enjoy the other tourist sites available.