Eric Castner – Awards Chair
The Awards Committee consist of a Parent Awards Committee with the Immediate Past President (Eric Castner) as chairperson and five Awards Subcommittees: (1) Fellow Award, (2) Outstanding Educator Award, (3) Outstanding Young Weed Scientist Award, (4) Outstanding Graduate Student Awards, and (5) Excellence in Regulatory Stewardship Award. The Awards Subcommittees are broadly representative of all interests of the society. Individual members of the Awards Subcommittees shall be responsible for soliciting other SWSS members to make nominations and seeing that the nominators submit biographical information and a black and white photo for each nominee prior to the deadline (Subcommittee members must not personally submit nominations). If you, as an SWSS member, wish to contact a specific Awards Subcommittee, and support nominating another member for an award, please contact a member of the particular Award Subcommittee, or the Award Subcommittee Chair (listed below) well before Oct. 15, 2024 (having a bio and photo of the person you’re recommending might be expected by this date as well, so check earlier than Oct. 15, as these bio submissions can be up to each subcommittee chair). No person shall be eligible to receive the same award a second time.
Award Subcommittee Chairs and contact information:
Fellow Award: Eric Prostko –
Outstanding Educator Award: Larry Steckel –
Outstanding Young Weed Scientist Award: Sandeep Rana –
Outstanding Graduate Student Awards: John Brewer –
Excellence in Regulatory Stewardship Award: Joey Williams –
The SWSS Fellow Award is the highest honor the Society presents. The purpose of this award is to recognize those members who have made significant contributions to the Southern Weed Science Society and advances in the discipline of weed science in the SWSS region.
To be eligible for the SWSS Fellow award, the potential recipient must:
The maximum number of Fellow awards per year is set at two (2), with no distinction between those from academia or industry.
The SWSS Outstanding Educator Award (OEA) of $1,000 cash (sponsored by Corteva) and a certificate or plaque will be presented annually to a weed scientist in recognition of outstanding contributions to the Society and Weed Science through education. The Award is to be given in recognition of a broad range of activities including formal classroom teaching; outreach and public service or extension including workshops, seminars, short courses, or other means of communication; mentoring undergraduate and graduate students; publication of scholarly work in journals, books, or reviews.
To be eligible for the OEA award, the potential recipient:
These awards of $1,000 cash and a certificate or plaque to be presented annually to a young weed scientist one from academia (teaching, research, extension) to be sponsored by BASF and one from Industry to be sponsored by the SWSS in recognition of outstanding service to weed science.
To be eligible for the OYWSA, the potential recipient:
These awards (one each for students at the MS level and the PhD level) are sponsored by the SWSS Endowment Foundation and consist of a $400 cash award and a plaque for MS level and $400 cash award and plaque for PhD level. The awards are given annually to a graduate student (one at the MS level and one at the PhD level) who has demonstrated outstanding performance in graduate studies and related weed science activities. Winners at the MS level are not eligible for this award at the PhD level. Students must have received the degree for which they are nominated since the previous SWSS Annual Meeting.
To be eligible for the OGSA, the potential recipient:
This award is sponsored by Bayer CropScience and awarded yearly for five years beginning in 2023. This award is for specific collaborations in the emerging applications of science and technology that require regulatory and stewardship protocols. This award recognizes scientists that demonstrate great interaction and collaboration between public and private institutions, establish multiyear outreach and support of the new technologies, and provide nonbiased feedback while extending research findings to the scientific and farming communities through publications and extension activities. The selected program will be awarded a plaque and monetary awards to be allocated as follows: Principal Investigator, $2000, and remainder of the graduate team ($250 each), to a maximum total award of $3,000 unless extenuating circumstances. The graduate students should be the primary researchers and does not include technicians. Team members should be named during the nomination process. If a project has two lead PI’s they should be awarded and the primary funds divided evenly. Graduate students providing minimal assistance should not be nominated.
Eligible nominees should be active members of the SWSS; and include industry personnel, primary research/extension project leaders, and primary graduate students actively involved in conducting the research.
Awards Nominations Timeline:
Oct. 15, 2024 – Nominations due no later than this date, check with Awards Subcommittee Chairs.
Nov. 1, 2024 – Each Awards Subcommittee Chair sends nomination forms and ballots listing nominees for each Award to their appropriate Award Subcommittee.
Nov. 15, 2024 – Each Awards Subcommittee Chair sends Award recipients and recommendations to the SWSS Exec. Board members.
Nov. 21, 2024 – Awards Committee Chair (E. Castner) to receive confirmation of the recipients for the Exec. Board.
Dec. 1, 2024 – Awards Committee Chair to inform SWSS President (T. Baughman) of the names of all Award recipients.